Foundation For Art & Heritage

Felucca Fishing Boat

Discover the heritage of the Felucca Fishing Boat in the maritime area of El-Max


in El-Max area, the boats differ in their design, size, work permits, fishing methods, types of nets used and manufacturing materials.

The felucca boat : Felucca boat is made entirely of wood. The boat hull is rounded in shape, so as the bottom; it is double ended, the bow is raked, the stern is more rounded. The boat is decked at the bow and at the stern, with a thwart in the center used as bench for rowing, and one before the bow deck

The felucca boats face some threats such as getting damaged due to entering the salted sea water, which leads to the disintegration of their hulls and the maintenance is expensive.

Special acknowledgement goes to Dr. Chiara Zazzaro, advisor of El-Max Rescue Project.

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  1.  التقييم الاقتصادي لحرف الصيد العاملة بمصايد البحر المتوسط بالإسكندرية. (2015). للتبادل العلـمى الإســكندرية مجلة36, 6–7. Retrieved from https://asejaiqjsae.journals.ekb.eg/article_158313_60d6b7247bf273bb3899391c34d0ee16.pdf.