Foundation For Art & Heritage

Big Zodiac Fishing Boat

Discover the heritage of the Big Zodiac boat in the maritime area of El-Max


in El-Max area, the boats differ in their design, size, work permits, fishing methods, types of nets used and manufacturing materials.

The big zodiac boat : Big iron zodiac boat made of wood and fiberglass, and the gunwale is made from iron. It is a rounded shaped hull with a flat bottom, Flared bow and transom stern This boat is propelled by an outboard engine. This type of boat is always sailing and fishing from El-Max region till El-kilo 21 region (19.3 km).

The Big zodiac boats face some threats such as getting damaged due to entering the salted sea water, which leads to the disintegration of their hulls and the maintenance is expensive.

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  1.  التقييم الاقتصادي لحرف الصيد العاملة بمصايد البحر المتوسط بالإسكندرية. (2015). للتبادل العلـمى الإســكندرية مجلة36, 6–7. Retrieved from https://asejaiqjsae.journals.ekb.eg/article_158313_60d6b7247bf273bb3899391c34d0ee16.pdf.